This package contains …..
Initialises the sampling engine. |
Represents sampling procedures that do not adapt to objectives and constraints. |
Represents sampling procedures that adapt to objectives and constraints. |
Samples randomly uniform in [0, 1]. |
Returns a grid of size n in each dimension. |
Samples in [0, 1] according to a Sobol sequence. |
Samples in [0, 1] according to a Latin Hypercube sequence. |
Samples in [0, 1] according to a Bayesian Optimisation strategy, where the objectives are maximised. |
A base class for defining arithmetic and boolean operations on objects that do not yet contain actual data. |
A base class for defining arithmetic operations on objects that do not yet contain actual data. |
A base class for defining boolean operations on objects that do not yet contain actual data. |
Trivial operator, just returning the stored value. |
Adding operation using operators. |
Multiply operation using operators. |
Substract operation using operators. |
Divide operation using operators. |
Boolean less than operation. |
Boolean less or equal operation. |
Boolean greater than operation. |
Boolean greater or equal operation. |
Log operation. |
Exponential operation. |
Power of base to exponent operation. |
Not boolean operation. |
And boolean operation. |
Or boolean operation. |
Xor boolean operation. |
Equal boolean operation. |
Negation operation. |
Type casting operation. |
Perform agregation operations on the output of an operator. |
Add up all the values of the operator. |
Mean of values of the operator. |
Standard deviation of values of the operator. |
Variance of the values of the operator. |
Check if condition is true for all values of the operator. |
Check if condition is satisfied for any value of the operator. |
Just a sampler to uniformly sample from all design parameters |
A KDE sampler that can be fit to some data, and then sample from its distribution |
A sampler that can be fit to some data, and then sample using a quantile strategy. |
A sampler to sample from all design parameters, given some data containing the distributions we are intending For each column, aka dataobject, we can just specify a different distribution. |
A KDE sampler fitted to some data, and also link to some conditions. |
A KDE fitted to some data, and then sampling optimizing for some objective. |
Samples generator
Samples values according to certain strategies and by, optionally, optimising objectives and respecting conditions. |
Receives samples from the range [0, 1]^len(features) and maps them to the feature-space according to some strategy. |
Scales and shifts the samples from [0, 1] to [feature.min, feature.max]) for continuous features, or discretises them through binning. |
Fits a univariate quantile transformer to each of the features. |
Fits a multivariate Kernel Density Estimator to the features. |