

Assess the correctness of indexes and files for consistency.

There can be the following inconsistencies:

  1. Indexes do not correspond with the stored files (within DesignObject)

  2. Indexes and/or files do not match between dp and pa (between DesignObjects)

  3. Number of samples or uids are different in the indexes (between)


  • For 1, we just update all indexes: uids, fileids and number_of_samples

  • For 2, it is ok if the existing matches also match in uids and number of files, and the problem are missign pa files, this is just because we have not analyzed all

  • If same fileids contain different uids or number of samples, the best is to regenerate all


regenerate_index (bool, optional, default=False) – Whether to regenerate the index or not. TO BE IMPLEMENTED